DKKMA is a agency based in London, UK, which primarily develops applications written in PHP. Our preferred platform is ExpressionEngine which we have over 6 years of experience with.

There are a number of reasons why we’ve chosen ExpressionEngine:

  • Professional, Dedicated Support
  • Incredible Flexibility
  • Stability and Security
  • Performance
  • Ease of Use
  • We chose the best platform for any given usage case but usually we’ll end up with ExpressionEngine.

Recent Projects

Want to see some of our recent projects (as of January 2015)?

On Air Audio Studios

Audiorecording Studio in Calgary, Canada

  • Order Procedure with templates and automatic word count
  • Client dashboard to view previous order, download all recordings
  • Staff backend to process order, keep track of status and upload final recording


International Property Portal

  • Subscription model for property agents
  • Create, edit and delete your own property listing
  • Search based on various criteria such as area, keywords, type, number of rooms and price range
  • Integration with Immobilienscout24 (Metasearch)

Who do we work with?

  • Corporations
  • Agencies looking to outsource some work
  • Charities

Most notably GEW UK (Global Entrepreneurship Week UK), VVA (Vietnam Veterans of America) and the Malaysian-German Society

How do we work?

For fellow developers and other agencies looking to outsource some work, here’s a rough idea what tools we use for our usual ExpressionEngine development project.

1. Planning & Initial Layout

  • Photoshop
  • Sketch
  • Asana to keep track of ideas, stages
  • Live prototyping in InVision
  • Our clients absolutely love InVision!

2. Development

  • MAMP for local .dev environment
  • Atom as our favorite code editor
  • GIT / Github for version control

3. Testing

  • Deployment via (Staging / Production)
  • Dedicated staging server on DigitalOcean
  • Bug tracking in Asana

4. Launch

  • Live server on Rackspace or DigitalOcean
  • DNS hosting on AWS Route53
  • Filestorage on AWS S3
  • CDN either AWS Cloudfront or Akamai
  • Visitor stats via GoSquared
  • Server stats via NewRelic

Drop us a note

Enough about us! If you’re interested in working with us, please get in touch and tell us a little bit more about yourself.